Chenille Awards
Letter Sweaters
Letter Sweaters
Mount Olympus Awards Privacy Guarantee

MOA Team Supply Shipping Policy

You can trust that your order will be quickly processed and safely delivered. We can ship products anywhere in the United States using the shipping method of your choice. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s), shipping method selected and your shipment destination. Our shipping charges are determined by the total dollar amount of your order, excluding applicable sales tax. Some products cannot be shipped to international destinations so please submit a message to us from the Contact Us page if you would like to discuss international ordering options.

Regular Delivery Times
Most of our regular, non-custom products such as plain garments and baby blankets, ship within a few days. In the custom chenille, letterman jacket, and team uniform industry, however, our competitors normally take 6 to 8 weeks to ship orders. At Mount Olympus Awards, we have a well-earned reputation for delivering your custom order in a fraction of the time; typically a few weeks during times other than the busy holiday season (November through January). From time to time, however, we may be unable to maintain our traditional delivery schedule due to seasonal or other demands. If your custom ordered product exceeds 8 weeks delivery time from the date you have tender payment for your goods, you have the right to cancel your order and receive a full refund. Please note that on custom artwork, digitized patches, and other products that involve special orders, the 8 week time frame does not apply - we reserve the right to take up to 12 weeks to deliver your merchandise due to the complexity of the manufacturing process. Please note that the week of Christmas and New Years (2 weeks) DO NOT count toward this time limit because of required vacation days for our staff.

Although we believe that a vast majority of our customers are good, honest people, it is our policy in the case of non-returnable custom orders (e.g., a custom chenille name or mascot, embroidered baby blanket, etc.), to process credit transactions as a non-refundable deposit at checkout, not at the time of shipping. By preventing unnecessary losses arising from unscrupulous individuals that place custom manufactured orders and then refuse payment, we are able to continue offering some of the highest savings in the industry to our normal customers. Please note that for all non-custom products, your credit card will not be billed until we have shipped your order.

We will make every reasonable effort to inform you of an expected shipping date on custom orders once your information is processed. At the time of shipping, you should receive an email that includes a tracking number for all UPS related services.